If you are interested in becoming part of the PPSA referee team, please contact a PPSA coordinator or the Referee Coordinator by June. Some training may be required for PPSA games.

Games are played Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings as well as Saturday mornings during the months of August, September and October.

Referee Coordinator: Scott Rauch


  • At least 16 years old, unless they have USSF certification
  • Anyone under 16 must have a workers permit before refereeing in IL
  • Desire to learn and willingness to receive feedback
  • Some knowledge and experience with the game
  • Maturity and reliability to perform referee assignments
  • USSF (or other) Certification preferred but not required
  • For USSF Certification go to
  • For IHSA Certification (must be 16 or older) go to